Marah Natural Distributor & Specialty Retailer

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如今,由于人们快节奏的生活方式、导致慢性压力和缺乏运动,使我们暴露在各种疾病环境中。 Neo-Cel可直接向血液和细胞提供钙离子,调节体液酸碱度平衡、促使荷尔蒙正常化,并自然诱导骨组织的健康形成和修复。此外,它可以促进体内的 60-70 万亿个细胞新陈代谢,从而增强能量产生和免疫力来保护我们的身体免受病毒和各种疾病的侵害。


Neo-Cel & Health

许多研究报告发现大量的氧化应激不利于怀孕时胎儿的健康发育。以及孕妇在孕期间因为炎症会引起更多的活性氧,从而导致脂类和蛋白质的细胞损伤,并可能面临早期流产的风险。4 Pregnant women are at a greater risk of oxidative stress as pregnancy often leads to inflammation and thus triggers higher amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS).5 High levels of ROS can lead to cellular damage in lipids and protein and are related to the pathophysiology of early miscarriage. In order to mitigate the impacts of oxidative stress, women can take precautions by ensuring their antioxidant levels outnumbers the ROS levels.6