Marah Natural Distributor & Specialty Retailer

Why SAC Is Different

What is SAC Formulation Technology?

SAC Formulation Technology is first safe calcium ion delivery system. It employs ionic calcium supplementation to elevate the level of plasma ionic calcium. This triggers our body’s natural functions to build strong bones and reestablish healthy calcium homeostasis, which is essential for reducing oxidative stress and achieving overall wellness. Appropriating influx and efflux of calcium ions modifies our mitochondrial functions and normalizes cellular calcium signaling, which is the key to reversing chronic degenerative diseases and improving our quality of life.
  • SAC Formulation Technology stands for “Sigma Anti-bonding Calcium Carbonate” (SAC-CaCO3).
  • SAC Formulation Technology is Marah Natural’s proprietary formula developed for over 10 years by a global team of scientists. It is manufactured in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  • SAC Formulation Technology is safe and effective, with proven results from dedicated customers in over 20 countries and 200 cities around the world.

The Unique Features of SAC

Sigma Anti-Bonding Calcium

By utilizing the weak chemical bonding of sigma anti-bonding, SAC maintains a loosely held calcium ion to its carbonate group, enabling easy absorption. Notably, it exhibits 200 times greater solubility and 3 times faster reactivity compared to conventional supplements.

Works at a cellular level

The elevated concentration of ionic calcium by SAC triggers unique self-healing responses, including the activation of bone-building osteoblasts, restoration of calcium homeostasis, and reduction of oxidative stress from cellular to systemic levels.

Over 95% Absorption

When SAC is mixed with water at a ratio of 1:100, it is absorbed into the body as ionic calcium (calcium ions). Our liquid formula is odorless, easier to consume, and eliminates the need for vitamin D or digestion to aid absorption.

No side effect and no calcification

SAC helps in the safe supply of calcium to infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Ionic calcium, in its freely available form, can effectively reversing the process of calcification. By increasing the concentration of plasma ionic calcium, it triggers responses that contribute to the reversal of calcification at both the cellular and systemic levels.

No preservatives & Natural

SAC Formulation Technology sources its ingredients from small oyster shells in BC, Canada, ensuring the highest quality. It strictly excludes fillers, heavy metals, toxins, additives, and preservatives. Each product is made-to-order, guaranteeing uncompromised quality.

Recommended for 3+ Months

SAC Formulation Technology operates at a cellular level to reshape the body’s foundation. It is important to note that the timeline for experiencing its benefits may vary, with some individuals requiring up to 3 months. The results achieved will depend on the individual’s pre-existing physical condition and/or state.

Natural healing responses by providing SAC

Bone functions as a mineral repository, storing collagen, calcium, and various other minerals. Approximately 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in bones and teeth, while the remaining 1% is distributed among blood, muscle, tissues, and cells.

The body diligently maintains a consistent concentration of calcium ions (Ca2+) in the blood and cells through a process known as Calcium Homeostasis. The body’s intricate systems continuously work to regulate Calcium Homeostasis.

In instances where the concentration of calcium ions increases, the thyroid gland releases calcitonin to stimulate osteoblasts. This stimulation promotes bone turnover and facilitates natural bone rebuilding. Moreover, it triggers a comprehensive decalcification process throughout the body. Conversely, when the concentration of calcium ions in the blood is low, the parathyroid gland releases parathyroid hormone (PTH) to stimulate osteoclasts. Osteoclasts, in turn, break down bone tissue and release calcium into the blood, thus restoring a balance in Calcium Homeostasis.

Ordinarily, calcium acquired through the diet and supplements enters the body in a protein-bound form. However, this form does not elicit the same physiological responses as SAC. Unlike protein-bound calcium, SAC provides ionic calcium as a signaling agent, effectively triggering the body’s self-healing responses. SAC initiates decalcification at both the cellular and systemic levels, thereby initiating a cascade of healing processes that contribute to the restoration of overall health. The natural healing pathway offered by SAC is truly unique.

The Difference In Molecule Structure & Absorption

SAC Formulation Technology

The sigma anti-bonding keeps the calcium atoms in the molecule very loose and unstable, but still intact. It makes calcium ions easily detached and passively absorbed into our system as ionic calcium. The anti-bonding of SAC makes the molecules exhibit electrical charge and attract water molecules to cluster around it, making it incredibly water-soluble (200x soluble than regular calcium).

Unlike regular calcium, SAC Formulation Technology is safe to use and does not have any known side effects. With this technology, there is no need for Vitamin D3 or peptides to promote absorption. SAC diffuses passively through the digestive tract cell linings (mucosa) as ions, and it does not require any physiological energy from the body — making this potent formula readily available for use. It features over 95% of absorption and faster reaction time – making the results ore effective and potent.

Passive Transport :

Regular Calcium Carbonate

Regular calcium supplements, whether in tablet, powder, or liquid form, maintain strong calcium atom bonds within the molecule, resulting in a molecule that carries no electrical charge.

Calcium obtained from a regular diet or supplements requires the presence of strong stomach acid, peptides, and vitamin D3 for proper digestion and absorption, forming protein-bound calcium. However, this process becomes more challenging as we age and may result in an excess of inactive protein-bound calcium within the body. The accumulation of excess inactive protein-bound calcium can lead to various side effects, including kidney stones, blood vessel calcification, stroke, heart attack, and more.

Active Transport :

our renowned global research partners


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. SAC products manufactured by Marah Natural feature our proprietary SAC Formulation Technology: the world’s first true ionic calcium, that is safe to use. Marah Natural has been tried and tested by over 100,000 customers from around the world who come in different ethnicities, gender, age and size. Unlike traditional calcium supplements our products have no known side effects and does not cause any calcification.

Health Canada only approves and gives NPN numbers to Calcium product that has at least 300 mg of Calcium. Our research and numerous customer trials has shown that including 300 mg or more of Calcium is not effective, therefore, we had to be approved as a Selenium supplement with SAC supplementing the product.

No. In our research and customer trials we found that the key to our innovative formula relies on including a golden ratio dosage of SAC calcium and other minerals. Several studies have found that excess calcium supply in our body can lead to calcium overdose which can cause calcification, degenerative diseases and lead to serious health conditions. Our ability to absorb minerals depends on our body weight, quality of lifestyle and also in the quality of the supplement - and Marah Natural’s innovative SAC Formulation Technology offers the world’s first true ionic calcium - that is safe and natural to use.

Our signature Sigma Anti-bonding Calcium technology is based on calcium carbonate derived from small oyster shells only found in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Our products are sustainable, naturally derived, and locally sourced.

Sigma Anti-bonding Calcium (SAC) is a revolutionary technological advancement that is changing lives with its passive calcium delivery system. While other forms of calcium delivery struggle in areas of absorption, SAC safely increases bone density naturally by awakening the body’s own bone-formation process.