Marah Natural Distributor & Specialty Retailer

SAC Products

Bone Health & Immunity

This science-backed formula supercharges the bone-building process with proprietary formulation SAC Formulation Technology (Simga Anti-bonding Calcium. SAC Formulation Technology will help to keep pH levels in the optimal range and phosphorus away from pathogens. This sugar-free, preservative-free formula is safe, natural, and odorless.


More About Kids-Cel & Reviews

Your child’s basic immune function relies on their fundamental bone health. In other words, your kids need strong and healthy bones to thrive. The cells use the calcium ion Ca2+ to communicate—which means that when cellular communication is disturbed, children may experience developmental challenges. Nowadays, with unprecedented pollution, food quality issues, and a plethora of external stress and stimuli, kids are more vulnerable than ever. It’s no wonder that finding a safe and natural kids’ supplement has become such a high priority. This is precisely where Kids-Cel comes in.
Research shows that approximately half of newborns are born with calcium depletion. While 70% of these infants may restore their calcium levels via breastfeeding, the remaining 30% might not. Yet calcium inadequacy has been linked to the development of ADHD, autism, and autoimmune diseases. Well-maintained calcium homeostasis is therefore pivotal in fetal brain development, physiological growth, DNA replication, and cell division.

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