Free radicals, also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), are waste substances produced by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. If the body cannot remove free radicals efficiently, oxidative stress can result.
Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the system, resulting in the possibility of damage to healthy tissues and cells.
Free radicals, also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), are waste substances produced by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. If the body cannot remove free radicals efficiently, oxidative stress can result.
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate, growth and development. It plays a crucial role in controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, as well as in brain development and maintenance of bone health.
Calcium homeostasis, the maintenance of a constant concentration of calcium ions in the extracellular fluid (blood), is critical for normal body functions.
Oxidative stress is a natural part of aging. It occurs when there is an imbalance of free radicals in the body, which can lead to damage and other changes in the cells, proteins, and DNA. Oxidative stress can alter the bone remodeling process through an imbalance of osteoclast and osteoblast activity, which can lead to metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis. 1
It may also play a role in development of a range of health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. 2
When left unaddressed, oxidative stress—an imbalance of free radicals—is linked to degenerative conditions such as heart disease, anxiety, cognitive disorders, arthritis, osteoporosis, and weak immune system.
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
M. Park, Canada –
Marah-Cel stopped painful shingles at the onslaught!!!
Dreaded shingles started from my hands and the rash and blisters started to spread. When I visited my doctor, he told me that it will spread up my arm riding nerves. I have heard about the power of Marah-Cel and started taking it immediately. All the blisters on my hand dried up in a few days and dropped the curtain on shingles breakout! Thank you!
(M. Park – Age 60, Female, Canada)
E. K., China –
Marah-Cel took away my pain which was there for more than a decade.
After moving to Xi’an, China in 1997, my delicate hands suffered much. There was no running hot water in my house and I had to run my hands through very cold water every day. Plus, I also had to carry heavy bags every day. 4 to 5 years this repeated routine took toll on my hands. For 15 years, the pain would keep me from writing and doing anything with my hands. Every night before I go to sleep, I have to wrap my fingers with pain relieving patch. It only gave me temporary relief. Then a guest who was visiting me heard of my pain and recommended that I try Marah-Cel. My goodness! Marah-Cel took away my pain which was there for more than a decade. This can’t be anything else but Marah-Cel! I am so thankful!
(E.K. – Age 56, Female, China)
Rebecca L., Canada –
PPS(Post Polio Syndrome) almost pull my life down, but with Marah-Cel, I am walking strong again!
I spent sickly childhood after suffering polio. I thought polio was once in a lifetime thing which will never haunt me again. However, I could not believe the nightmare is back when I was diagnosed with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS). My legs began to lose leg strength to the point I dreaded going to the bathroom. Thoughts of stopping the work I enjoyed was devastating. I questioned if there was any hope left. However, I was recommended to try Marah-Cel by my sister-in-law (pharmacist) in Korea last spring (2016). I was not fully convinced but decided to take it anyways. By summer I had enough strength in my legs to take a trip to South America. Now, I can go to a bathroom without any difficulty and am still working! I am so thankful!
(Rebecca L. – Age 66, Female, Canada)
E. Baraghoosh, Canada –
I recovered from deadly heart condition! SAC gave me a new life!
“In the year of 2006, I was hospitalized to learn that I had no heart attack. But I developed a Mitral valve prolapse hearth condition that in which the two valve flaps of the mitral valve do not close smoothly or evenly, but instead bulge upward into the left atrium. Therefore, any infection could kill me let alone not being able to run or walk with my son. I was required to take antibiotics prior to any of my dentist appointments. I was a sprinter in my high school years but then I could not climb the stairs or run. I tried different treatments but none of them worked. My heart pain continued and the Richmond Cardiologist told me that my life stopwatch started and I was dying.
I was introduced to Marah Natural’s scientific discoveries and SAC products. Three months after taking Marah-Cel, I began walking on my treadmill. Initially I walked for 15 minutes but after 2 months I began jogging. My journey will continue on. but I am so thankful for Marah-Cel.
(E. Baraghoosh – Age 59, Male, Canada)
S. Ji, Canada –
I’ve had atopic dermatitis since I was young for more than 30 years.
After coming to Canada, my skin started to itch and swollen more because of the dry weather and the lime water didn’t suit me. The face, chin, and neck were particularly severe. On the face, the eyes and forehead were severely red and swollen, and the neck was so itchy and watery. It got worse and worse every day, and as you can see in the picture, severe inflammation of the chin and neck occurred, and I suffered severely for a while. I couldn’t sleep because it was too itchy, I couldn’t touch my skin with my hands, and I couldn’t wash my face comfortably. It was painful and breaking my heart. I tried various methods that I could do, but there were no improvements. Around March 2022, I got to know Marah-Cel through an acquaintance.
At first, I took 5 ml twice a day. Surprisingly, the swelling on my face started to subside little by little. I kept same dosage for about two months. My skin has almost changed to normal although it was still dried. Many saying that there is no complete cure for atopic conditions, but I had March-Cel with a hope that I will be cured from atopic dermatitis like a miracle. I started taking Marah-Cel twice a day from March 2022 for about two months. Now I am taking once a day until now, January 2023. I also can tell that it has improved my general condition not only my skin, which gave me another hope that other symptoms in my body would also get better. I couldn’t sleep many nights because it seemed like there is no way. But, I am very grateful that I found out about Marah-Cel and experienced the great effects.
(S. Ji – Age 41 Female, Canada)

Mary Kim, Canada –
Not too long ago, I started to feel pain around my body and could not sleep soundly. I thought it was caused by running after my rowdy kids. However, instead of symptoms going away with rest, it was getting worse, keeping me from getting good sleep due to felt pain all around my body. When massage sessions and acupuncture did not help, I visited my family doctor last summer. Revising the clinic after the initial blood test, he prescribed pain relievers and muscle relaxants, which did not alleviate the painful condition much. I became cranky and naggy and made everyone in my family miserable.
My family doctor recommended me to a specialist who prescribed me a new medication, saying how an abnormality in the muscle fibers caused the pain. (Fibromyalgia) The medication helped a bit, and I was relieved as I could sleep better. However, maybe a week had passed, my back started to hurt again, soon spreading to my whole body. The pain disrupted every part of my life, and I began to think whether living like this had any meaning.
Then, one day I heard about miraculous healing stories of SAC products and, in desperation, decided to try it out. I don’t know how much I slept after taking Marah-Cel. I have never slept so deeply for a long time. It helped alleviate the pain, and I am writing this to thank SAC. Now freed from pain, every day is a gift. Thank you!
(Mary Kim, Age 43, Female, Canada)
H.Y. Lee, South Korea –
I am 70 years old and SAC reversed my osteoporosis! Incredible. Thank you!
I am now 70 years old, born in the year 1950. Since my diagnosis of osteoporosis, I had taken osteoporosis drugs for two years. Then around December of 2018, I started taking Neo-Cel once a day for four months before taking a bone density test on March 16th of 2019, only out of curiosity. However, finding out that there weren’t many improvements as I expected, I switched over to the stronger product, Marah-Cel, and faithfully took it for the next ten months, twice a day (morning and evening) with regular exercise.
Then today, January 14th of 2020, I took another bone density test, my hip joint score was within the normal range. What a miraculous restoration from osteopenia! Also, my spine score showed significant improvement from osteoporosis to osteopenia. I am so grateful for such an incredible recovery and also recommend it to others!
(H. Y. Lee – Male, 70, Korea)
Bae, Canada –
I am a woman in my mid 50’s and have suffered from endometriosis for 30 years.
The hospital suggested removing the uterus and ovaries, but I refused the operation and tried all sorts of treatments. But I didn’t see any noticeable effect.
Once menstruation started, I had to change the diapers used by the elderly once an hour, and after a week, I saw it as bleeding and took the contraceptive prescribed by the doctor. During menstruation, it was hard as if there was a hole in my head, and my complexion was not good.
I happened to hear the owner of the store explained that a cancer patient can take Marah-Cel and its effect, and I thought, “I must take that,” and when I started my period, I took Marah-Cel once every 3 hours like a cancer patient.
But something really strange happened.
My menstrual flow decreased to 3-4 days, and I was able to change my diaper once every 3 hours instead of every 1 hour. Not only that, but people say that my complexion has become so clear, improved, and prettier.
After that, I often took Marah-Cel every time I menstruated, and the amount of menstruation still decreased a lot, and it ended in 3-4 days, and then after a few months, I became menopause. Marah-Cel was so amazing to my life.
(Bae , Age Mid 50’s, Female, Canada )